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Getting married soon? Want to have your child or home dedicated? We’re here to help! As a family, we love to celebrate and support you through life’s special moments. We offer special services that bring people together as we celebrate or grieve with you.

Services We Provide

Getting married soon? Want to have your child or home dedicated? We’re here to help! As a family, we love to celebrate and support you through life’s special moments. We offer special services that bring people together as we celebrate or grieve with you.

Services We Provide

Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.

We love weddings at our church! Love is a gift from God, and we are excited to be part of your special day! Our wedding services include processing and submission of legal documents (with corresponding fees) and officiating weddings. A prerequisite to getting married at Favor is to take our pre-marital course: Before Forever.


What is the difference between a legal pronouncement and a wedding ceremony?
  • Legal Pronouncement – It is formally declaring a couple legally married in front of an authorized officiant.
  • Wedding Ceremony – It is the event during which a couple declares their love and commitment to each other in the presence of God and witnesses.

Why is there a fee?
It covers the costs for the following:

  • We have a liaison officer that makes sure all your legal requirements are processed
  • Transportation expenses of the officiant (fuel, toll, etc.)
  • MC

Do we need to pay the officiant?
We offer no charges for our pastors to officiate your wedding, but if you want to bless them by giving a love offering, you can definitely do so!

What is NOT included in our wedding services?
  • Venue
  • Coordinator
  • Photographer
  • Band
  • Worship team
  • Ceremony elements: communion, candles, coins, cord, etc.

Is before forever required before applying for wedding services?
Yes and no! You may choose to join Before Forever — a free premarital counseling class that happens 3-4 times every year where you’ll meet with seasoned couples as your mentors and join other couples for 2 Saturdays in a classroom setting, or you can sign up for the traditional premarital counseling where you meet one-on-one with a professional counselor.


Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.

Baptisms at Favor are special. This involves immersing a person in water as a public declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ and their desire to follow him in the presence of witnesses — our church community or our Connect Groups! The power of baptism is in what it symbolizes; that by going down into the water, you are dying to sin, and coming out of it, you are being raised to a new life! If you have never been baptized before or you were baptized as a child and never made the personal decision to get baptized, we encourage you to sign up! If you want to want to know more about baptism, if you have any questions, or you would like to sign up to get baptized during our Sunday services, visit this website. If you want to get baptized during your Connect, talk to your Connect Group leader!


I have been baptized in my old church, can I still get baptized?

  • If you’ve been baptized before, there is no need to get baptized again. But if you want to get baptized again, you definitely can!

Does baptism mean my religion will change legally?

  • Nope! Baptisms don’t entail change of religion in your legal documents.

Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.

During times of loss, we understand how important it is to have a community by your side. We are here to provide a safe space to honor, remember, and celebrate your loved ones. We offer wake and funeral services that include a memorial service and committal prayer.


What’s a wake service? 

  • A wake service is a time when we come together to celebrate the life of the deceased. During this time, families and friends, and the pastor may speak to share stories and memories, creating a meaningful moment to remember a life lived.

What’s a funeral service?

  • A funeral service takes place just before the burial or cremation of the departed. This is a simple service where one of our pastors will share a quick word and pray for the family.

What is NOT included in our wake and funeral services?

  • Venue
  • Catering
  • Burial services
  • Worship 
  • Processing of Death Certificate
  • Ceremony elements

Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.

We love family moments! The heart behind why we have child dedications in our church services is because we believe that dedicating our kids to God should be done in the presence of our spiritual family. It signifies that we as parents/guardians are blessing them, declaring God’s favor over them, and committing to raise them up to love God and value community. This is also a time for us to pray for you as parents/guardians — for God’s wisdom, strength, and love as you raise up your kids.


How old should my child be to before he/she is dedicated?
  • There is no specific age to dedicate your child to God.

I want to have my child dedicated, but not on a Sunday. Can I request for that?

  • We encourage you to have your child dedicated on a Sunday in front of our church family. But if that doesn’t work due to schedule constraints, yes, you can! You can request through our “Other Dedications” form.
Our family is not part of Favor Church, can I still sign up to dedicate my child?
  • Yes, you can! However, take note that we do child dedications in front of the whole church. We encourage you to have your child dedicated in the church you are planted in so you can be around the community committed to supporting you and your family.

Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.

Whether it’s a house, a car, a business, or your child, we are here to celebrate with you as we dedicate them to God. For miscellaneous services, we spend time praying for whatever it is that you will be dedicating, as well as praying blessing over you and that you would steward God’s gifts well.


What does the dedication service include?

For the House, Business, and Car Dedication:

  • Pastor

For the Child Dedication:

  • Pastor
  • Certificate of Dedication
  • Children’s Bible

Is there a fee?

  • While we don’t require a fee for our pastors to officiate your dedication, we encourage giving a love offering to honor and bless them for dedicating the blessing you have received.  

Aside from the ones listed above, could I have other things dedicated, like my dog?

  • For now, our dedication services only covers the ones listed above.

What is the difference between this child dedication and the one done during Sunday services?

  • If you avail of this service, our pastor will be going to the venue and occasion of your choosing to dedicate your child.
  • If you wish to have your child dedicated during our Sunday Services in front of our community, you may want to attend the Child Dedications.

Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.

Before Forever is our pre-marital counseling course, where you get to attend sessions with other couples and meet one-on-one with our counselors. We discuss topics that cover vision and values, building blocks for marriage, principles vs preferences, tools for strengthening, love languages, and sex and bounderies. The goal of this course is to help you prepare for forever with your future spouse! It’s also a prerequisite if you would like to get married at Favor. 🫶🏼


We’re getting married before the course starts, is there another way we can get pre-marital counseling?
  • Yes, we have a pool of professional counselors that can provide pre-marital counseling, but take note there is a fee. You can sign up at https://favor.church/pmc
We are not part of Favor Church, can we still join Before Forever?
  • Yes, you can! But we highly encourage you to seek pre-marital counseling from the church you are planted in.
We are not part of a Connect Group, can we still join Before Forever?
  • Yes, you can! But we want to encourage you to join one! Connect groups are a great way for you to meet, connect, and do life with other people and other couples in our church, while at the same time, growing spiritually in your walk with God.
Is before forever required before applying for wedding services?
  • Yes and no! You may choose to join Before Forever — a free premarital counseling class that happens 3-4 times every year where you’ll meet with seasoned couples as your mentors and join other couples for 2 Saturdays in a classroom setting, or you can sign up for the traditional premarital counseling where you meet one-on-one with a professional counselor.

Should you have any concerns, kindly send an inquiry by filling out this form.


Sunday, December 31
Streamed online only at 9AM (PHT).
Available on-demand after.

Sunday, December 31
Streamed online only
at 9AM (PHT).
Available on-demand after.



Our Sunday services will be at
the Grand Ballroom of Crowne Plaza in Ortigas Center.

Our Sunday services will be at the Metrotent Convention Center, Pasig.

Our Sunday services will
be at the Grand Ballroom
of Crowne Plaza in
Ortigas Center.

Our Sunday services will
be at the Metrotent Convention Center, Pasig.