This season, our church is on the move! We will be at The Podium Hall this Sunday at 9AM, 11:30AM, 3PM, and 5:30PM. Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule. This season, our church is on the move! We will be at The Podium Hall this Sunday at 9AM, 11:30AM, 3PM, and 5:30PM. Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule.
This season, our church is on the move! We will be at The Metrotent this Sunday at 10AM and 4PM. Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule. This season, our church is on the move! We will be at The Metrotent this Sunday at 10AM and 4PM. Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule.
This season, our church is on the move! We will be at The Ynares Sports Arena this Sunday. Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule. This season, our church is on the move! We will be at The Ynares Sports Arena this Sunday. Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule.
This season, our church is on the move!
We will be at Metrotent this Sunday.
Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule.
This season, our church is on the move!
We will be at The Podium Hall this Sunday.
Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule.
This season, our church is on the move! We will be at Ynares Sports Arena this Sunday.
Please check our social media for our weekly Sunday service venue and schedule.
favor college

Favor College is an intensive training ground for people who want to be stretched in servanthood, inspired to innovate, and equipped to build God’s kingdom through church ministry.

Applications are now open for Year One. Check and prepare all requirements listed in the brochure before applying. Deadline for Year 1 applications is on June 1, 2025.

favor college

A lot can happen in a year.

Favor College is an intensive training ground for people who want to be stretched in servanthood, inspired to innovate, and equipped to build God’s kingdom through church ministry.

Interested to learn more and want to receive an update for the next INFO NIGHT?

Be updated by following us on

favor college

A lot can happen in a year.

Favor College is an intensive training ground for people who want to be stretched in servanthood, inspired to innovate, and equipped to build God’s kingdom through church ministry.

Within just a year of Favor College, many of our students’ lives have changed. If you want to know more, come to our Favor College Info Night on Thursday, February 1, 7 PM at the Favor Shang Studio, 6th level, East Wing, Shangri-La Plaza Mall, Mandaluyong.

Interested to learn more and want to receive an update for details on the next INFO NIGHT?

Be updated by following us on

favor college

A lot can happen in a year.

Within just a year of Favor College, many of our students’ lives have changed. If you want to know more, come to our Favor College Info Night on Sunday, March 12, 7 PM at the Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom.

Be updated by following us on

Email us at for more info.

Start the Stretch

Batch 3 starts July 2022—accepting applications soon.

Join us for Info Night
Feb 23 • 7 PM • Favor Church, Shangri-La

Email us at
for more info.


Email us at for more info.

At Favor Church, we’re committed to advancing and building the kingdom of God and raising up a generation of passionate, creative, and excellent servant-leaders who will be carriers of our vision to know God and make him famous.

Through classes and internships, students will

We Raise Up Leaders


2 hours per class or 4 hours a week


Once a week

Readings & assessments

Recommended 4 hours a week/class. Expect open book quizzes based on course content and readings, as well as 2 to 3 assessments to complete in the form of essays, reflections, devotional tasks, and small projects

Minimum of 2.5 hours office work a week, in addition to whole day Sundays and other midweek Favor events.
Course Structure

Christian Disciplines

Introduction to the Old Testament

Introduction to the New Testament

Pastoral Ministry

Biblical Interpretation

Christian Leadership

Christian Worldview

Pentecostal Worldview

Internship: Participate in Christian Ministry

Internship: Participate in Christian Ministry

Internship: Teamwork

Internship: Teamwork

Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops

Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops

Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops

Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops

Christian Disciplines
Biblical Interpretation
Internship: Participate in Christian Ministry
Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops
Introduction to the Old Testament
Christian Leadership
Internship: Participate in Christian Ministry
Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops
Introduction to the New Testament
Christian Worldview
Internship: Teamwork
Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops
Pastoral Ministry
Pentecostal Worldview
Internship: Teamwork
Weekly Chapel + Supplementary Workshops

Ready to Apply?

Please prepare all the requirements listed in the brochures above before proceeding with your application. When you’re ready, go ahead and proceed to our application form linked below. Deadline for Year 1 applications is on June 1, 2025.

*Applications are still closed for Year One.
Come to Favor College Info Night on March 11, 2025, 7PM!