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Hey, fam!

Thank you for saying yes to serve with us at Favor Church! Since the start of the church, we’ve always had a thriving, hardworking, and fun team culture that you now get to be a part of!

Before you get started, here’s everything you need to know as you join the team.


As a church, we value PRESENCE, PRAYER, PEOPLE, GENEROSITY, and CREATIVITY. We strive to uphold these values not just in our services and programs, but even in the way that we serve.


We love God’s presence! This is why we make space for worship—not only for it to happen, but for it to go a little longer if needed! We always leave space for the Holy Spirit to move. This means we don’t get too strict with our program schedules and we keep our runsheets flexible, depending on where we feel the Holy Spirit is leading us.


We work hard but we also pray hard. We spend time during our huddles and our meetings to pray, and even during the week, our volunteers are highly encouraged to join our Wednesday Morning Prayer. Prayer is our first option! When we plan and brainstorm, all the way to execution and at the end of the day, we acknowledge and involve God every step of the way.


We know the importance of plans and processes, but we always put people first. This means that we address each situation on a case-to-case basis instead of forcing one rule to apply to all. We will never stop valuing people and will never sacrifice that in order to get the job done. As we serve, we make sure to walk through the crowd with eyes wide open, seeing to it that no one is left alone.

And as we work with others, we strive to be a healthy church, not just a big church. Even though acceptance of people is always a priority with us, acceptance doesn’t always mean agreement. This means we maintain healthy relationships with one another, we fight for unity, we communicate, we help one another, and we grow together. We believe that discipleship isn’t limited to a program, but it can happen in everything we do together as a church.


As Christians, serving isn’t just a task, it’s a way of life as followers of Jesus. But our goal isn’t just to do the bare minimum, but to serve with an overflow from a place of overflow, understanding the God is generous with his love and grace towards us. We believe that there are many ways to be generous: with our time, our talent, and even our treasure. We use the spiritual gifts God has given us, but we also give our availability, our care for others, and we live life with an open hand.


We love creating —whether it’s making ideas and stories come to life, coming up with solutions to problems, or making God and the Bible relevant to people, we make an effort to think outside of the box and dream for advancing God’s kingdom in creative ways. We also love setting an atmosphere and creating an experience where others can encounter God’s presence. So in everything we do, we try to express the beauty and wonder of God creatively!

There are several phrases you’ll hear often at Favor, and they’re worth knowing so you’ll understand how we work!


We won’t neglect, overlook, push aside, or step over others just to follow a plan or get things done. Though there are times when we make mistakes, we always circle back and make sure that people still feel valued, seen, and respected. We serve with one eye open, we walk through the crowd slowly, and we see to it that no one is left alone.



We don’t create silos in our church—we know that we all work better together! If it means we have to sacrifice a bit for the greater good of a team that needs help, then we’ll do it!


We fight against gossip, and instead, we encourage honest and respectful communication. This means making an effort to give each other timely and constructive feedback when needed, and receiving it graciously in turn, striving for understanding, improvement, and unity at all times.


We want to train our volunteers and leaders to think critically and strategically. We encourage leaders to communicate and volunteers to seek to understand the “WHY” behind every decision. With personal understanding and revelation, it’s easier to make decisions on a case-to-case basis rather than forcing a rule to fit all situations.



We want to involve the Holy Spirit in everything we do! This means we value the Holy Spirit more than following a plan or runsheet—so we always stay flexible and ready to pivot if it means the Spirit is moving in a different direction!

Team Huddles

Every Sunday before services start, all our teams gather together to connect with each other, hear important announcements, and pray for the service.


Every other month, we host a night of fun and family for our leaders and volunteers, where our pastors speak into our culture and where we’re headed as a church.


Presence Nights are our nights of extended worship and prayer. Because we value God’s presence, these nights are really important to us!


Every Wednesday at 7AM, we have a time of prayer on Zoom. To join, go to favor.church/morningprayer.


Every year, we honor all our active leaders and volunteers with a big celebration at our Family Fiesta.

Team Huddles

Every Sunday before services start, all our teams gather together to connect with each other, hear important announcements, and pray for the service.


Every other month, we host a night of fun and family for our leaders and volunteers, where our pastors speak into our culture and where we’re headed as a church.


Presence Nights are our nights of extended worship and prayer. Because we value God’s presence, these nights are really important to us!


Every Wednesday at 7AM, we have a time of prayer on Zoom. To join, go to favor.church/morningprayer


Every year, we honor all our active leaders and volunteers with a big celebration at our Family Fiesta.

Volunteer →

We serve as followers and ambassadors of Jesus! The heart behind our Volunteer Commitment is to ensure that we maintain a safe, healthy, and God-honoring environment that represents Jesus well.


First, we acknowledge and fully understand that volunteers have different capacities because of other responsibilities such as family and work commitments. We’re big believers in being careful with our YESes, counting the cost of every commitment so that each volunteer doesn’t burn out.


Once a volunteer has said yes and committed to a role for a Sunday service, a program, or an event, the hope is that he or she can fulfill his or her responsibilities in a timely manner. This includes arriving to a call time or meeting time on schedule. If the volunteer can’t make it or meet a deadline due to unforeseen circumstances, that’s totally okay, but it would be best to let us know ahead of time! We’re also big believers in communicating—the sooner we know about a change, the sooner we can come up with a solution.


We want people to focus on Jesus, not on ourselves, so this means that we aim to represent him well.

This applies to how we dress while we serve—to wear appropriate clothing for our roles and not to wear anything that will cause distractions, such as revealing clothing or appearing disheveled or underdressed (i.e. wearing sandos or flip flops), especially on platform roles, roles in front of the camera, or high-visibility roles (this includes Favor News hosts, VIP volunteers who stand in front, or camera operators who are positioned on the elevated platform). Later on, you’ll have access to your ministry’s volunteer handbook where you can check the team-specific dress code as requirements vary depending on the roles and tasks required at church events. 

This also includes how we talk and relate to people—with kindness, friendliness, respect, honor, and no foul language.

In addition, we highly encourage volunteers—especially leaders—to be wise with what they post online on social media. Unfortunately, the wrong choice of words or photos can be misrepresenting and confusing for people if our words, photos, and actions are not aligned with what we profess as Christians.


We have certain boundaries and guidelines in place to protect church members from feeling uncomfortable and unsafe in our church family. These include:

  • refraining from discussing money matters within teams, not asking for or borrowing money
  • respecting the privacy of church members—especially any public figures—by not harassing them, asking for their private information, or taking photos with them


The Volunteer Commitment can only be honored if our convictions are established. Agreeing to the commitment starts with the conviction that serving isn’t to put the spotlight on ourselves, but it’s to follow Jesus, give of our lives to others, and show the love of God.

We believe that every person is on a journey, but there’s a difference between someone who is on a journey and someone who has decided to settle at a destination. When it comes to lifestyles that go against what the Bible says, we ask that those who may be struggling with addictions (including but not limited to drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, pornography, gambling, etc.), engaging in sex outside of marriage, and living active LGBTQIA+ lifestyles who are wanting to serve to first assess and discern whether they’re ready to set the lifestyle aside and move forward, or if they’ve decided to keep it. Those who choose to continue to live an unrepentant lifestyle of sin that goes against God’s boundaries for us, unfortunately disqualify themselves from serving at Favor Church.

In addition, for those who have questions regarding our theological beliefs, you can check our Statement of Beliefs. Should there be any disagreements with our Statement of Beliefs, we suggest talking it through with one of our pastors and refraining from serving at the moment.

We always welcome conversations about anything mentioned above, and if there is something that is of concern to you, we’d be happy to talk with you before you sign our volunteer agreement. Please let us know by emailing us here.

Once you’ve read through your Volunteer Commitment, you’ve agree with the terms, and you feel ready to proceed, please sign this form which will be sent to your team head. You’ll receive an email that will explain what will happen next.

Thank you and we can’t wait to serve with you!


Sunday, December 31
Streamed online only at 9AM (PHT).
Available on-demand after.

Sunday, December 31
Streamed online only
at 9AM (PHT).
Available on-demand after.



IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to sign your Volunteer Commitment form. You will be contacted by a ministry representative after signing! 🙌🏼

Our Sunday services will be at
the Grand Ballroom of Crowne Plaza in Ortigas Center.

Our Sunday services will be at the Metrotent Convention Center, Pasig.

Our Sunday services will
be at the Grand Ballroom
of Crowne Plaza in
Ortigas Center.

Our Sunday services will
be at the Metrotent Convention Center, Pasig.